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Buy Now on Amazon
HAp⁺ comes in six different flavours in handy blister packets of 16 lozenges.
Special offer available on
Amazon UK to let you try more flavours: *)
Buy 3 or more and get 33% off
Use the claim code: 8HIPHMCP
during Check-out.
*) you can mix flavours as you like
HAp⁺ is a powerful saliva stimulant
- it stimulates 20x the unstimulated saliva -
3x times as effective as chewing gum
HAp⁺ is an acidic yet non-erosive lozenge, which relieves the symptoms of dry mouth and helps your teeth stay healthy with powerful saliva stimulation.
HAp⁺ is recommended by the Icelandic Dental Association, clinically tested and patented worldwide.
HAp⁺ is sugar-free
Comes in 6 great flavours
Low CGI - suitable also for diabetics
Low caloric, Gluten free, lactose free, egg free, vegan.
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